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The Power of Python and Stata Integration

Say hello to the future of data science  as you tap into the power of Python and Stata coming together

The integration of Python and Stata offers a great opportunity to elevate data analysis to new heights. By combining the strengths of Stata software and both the Python programming language and libraries available -  users can effortlessly access a wealth of analytical capabilities and unlock new possibilities.

Integrating Python into Stata, allows Stata users to access to  several Python packages, enabling  them to access data from the internet using the Internet API calls, process JSON data, create three-dimensional graphics, use machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms. 

It is possible to both invoke Python from Stata and vice versa. 

Python can be invoked from an ongoing Stata session, so that the extensive functionality of the Python language can be called directly from within Stata. Thanks to this integration, Python code can be embedded and executed interactively or in Stata’s .do and .ado files. The integration of Python with Stata was introduced in Stata 16.  From Stata 17 and higher, the Stata commands can also be used in the python environment. 

The three main steps for integration are: 

  • Download and install python, 
  • Download and install python/anaconda, 
  • Configure Stata to use python. 

The most exciting feature of this integration is that you can effortlessly go back and forth between Stata and Python.

Take advantage of the following features:

  • A fusion of strengths between certified data science software and the flexibility of an open-source programming language.
  • Expanding your analytical horizons.Effortless integration
  • Bi-directional collaboration

Empower yourself to perform complex data analysis, build sophisticated models, and derive valuable insights from your data. 

We have regular courses on this topic, please check out our course calendar. 

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