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New Stata Cheat Sheet: Call Python from Stata

Python and Stata

StataCorp has recently developed a new resource for the Python integration feature that was expanded in Stata 17—a cheat sheet that demonstrates how to call Python from Stata. The cheat sheet includes everything from setup to executing Python code in Stata.

What is a Stata Cheat Sheet?

The Stata Cheat Sheets provide any user, whether new or old, a well-structured and helpful guide to some of the Stata basics. The cheat sheet covers topics from data analysis to plotting in Stata, and now calling Python from Stata!

The latest Stata Cheat Sheet demonstrates how to call Python from Stata. To learn more about Calling Python from Stata, type "help pystata module" in Stata's Command window.

Download the Python & Stata Cheat Sheet.

Use Python and Stata together:

Python integration was first introduced in Stata 16, where Python's extensive language features could be leveraged within Stata. Fast forward to Stata 17, where Stata can be invoked from a standalone Python environment via the pystata Python package. Learn more about using Python and Stata together.

Upgrade to Stata 17 today to experience the full power of Stata's newest features, including the Python and Stata functionalities.

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