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EVIEWS TIPS #1: Command Capture

Researchers interact with statistical software in two ways: the first is using the point and click interface and the second is through the command window. While the first method allows users to follow the menus and dialogs to guide them through defined procedures, the second method is command based allowing researchers to create a program with all of their procedures for future manipulation and editing.

EViews 9 introduces a command capture window that displays the command for essentially every procedure done in EViews 9. The command capture window allows the user to save the code for most operations for further use. The window can be docked or moved around to your preferred position, including outside the EViews 9 desktop. All the commands captured in the command capture window can be easily converted to a program for future use. For convenience, the command capture can also be closed.

For those who prefer to maintain records of procedures done, the command capture feature is a fantastic new addition to EViews 9.

To see a video of the command capture window feature, and other new features of EViews 9 please visit this page. For Timberlake training courses in EViews 9 please visit this page.

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